
Secretary Of State: “That Wall Is Going To Get Built”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sat down with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Saturday from the G20 summit. Pompeo was asked about the death of George H.W. Bush and several international issues. Here are some of the takeaways:

WB: Do you believe the Saudi explanation that the Crown Prince MBS did not know about the murder of Jamal Khashoggi?

MP: “There is no direct evidence linking him to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. That is an accurate statement, it is an important statement and it’s a statement we are making publicly today,”

WB: Why did the president decide to cancel what was supposed to be a two-hour face to face meeting with the Russian leader?

“He canceled it because the Russians behaved in a way that is deeply inconsistent with international law and is outrageous.”

WB: It had nothing to do with the announcement…that Michael Cohen was cooperating with Mueller?

MP: “Ludicrous, Washington parlor game.” “This is the thing that the American people need to understand about Washington DC it makes stuff up.”

WB: When is the President going to meet again with the North Korean leader… What’s the problem?

MP: I don’t know. I hope it will happen pretty soon.

WB: Whatever happened to the President’s commitment for so long during the campaign that Mexico would pay for the wall?

MP: That wall is going to get built.

Watch the full interview above.