Sen. Flake: It’s Tough To Imagine A Senate Without John McCain

Senator Jeff Flake shared a special relationship with John McCain, both being Republican Senators from Arizona, both being rare members of the GOP willing to depart from their parties sometimes and stand up against the current administration. Flake says he got a chance to see McCain on Friday, the day before he passed away. On CNN’s State of the Union, Flake shared  his thoughts and memories of the Senator:

“His voice was important to — has been for years but never more important than the past year. And that’s one thing I expressed to the family, the gratitude of all of us, that they took such great care of John and made sure he was able to speak in these last few months when it was so important. It’s tough to have a voice like that silenced. But this voice for civility, to put you know, the country above your party, these are things that he taught for years and never more important than last year.” 

“I’ve admired John McCain my entire life. I hadn’t known Washington or politics without him. He’s left an indelible mark and putting — putting the good of the country above your own self-interest, I think that that was his mantra and whether it’s his approach to the current administration or his approach in general, I think that that’s something I’ve certainly learned from him and we can all learn in these days. seeing the good in your opponents.”

Watch the full interview above.