GOP Sen. Mike Lee: Trump Deserves A “Mulligan”

In golf, a mulligan is a do-over, a free shot. It’s pretending that the previous bad shot didn’t happen.

GOP Senator Mike Lee of Utah apparently thinks Donald Trump deserves a mulligan for inciting a riot that killed and maimed police officers, did millions of dollars in damage, and most importantly, destabilized our democracy. But for Lee, all this apparently doesn’t matter. Here’s what he said on Fox “News.”

“Look, everyone makes mistakes. Everyones entitled to a mulligan once in a while.” 

Lee suggested that Trump’s inflammatory words on January 6th were just “outgrowths of the same natural impulse that exist from time to time among anyone in this business.” 

Lee said this after being asked a question about whether there is a double standard between Trump and other politicians. To see the full context watch above.