Sen. Pat Toomey Expresses Concerns With Donald Trump’s Efforts To Try To “Pressure” Legislators

Today could be another turning point in the never-ending post-election fallout. Pennsylvania and Michigan set to certify the results of Joe Biden’s hefty wins in those states. The question remains whether more senior Republicans will speak out and urge Trump to concede. This morning, we are hearing more from one Senator who has often been an ally to Donald Trump. Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) says he endorsed Trump, campaigned and voted for the president. But, he told CNBC today that while he was disappointed with the outcome of the election, it is time for the president to accept the results:

“Among the most fundamental aspects of our republic and a democratic system is to accept the outcome of elections…I fully supported the president’s pursuing every plausible strategies, recounts, and litigating irregularities. But at some point, you exhaust those possibilities. I think the President has reached that point in Pennsylvania, he appears to have reached that point in Georgia. Michigan wasn’t even close. And so now the idea that a sitting president would try to… pressure, cajole, persuade state legislators to dismiss the will of the voters and select their own group of electors and send them to the electoral college, it’s completely inconsistent with any democratic society and shouldn’t be going on in my view.”

Toomey says he has reached out to the White House and spoken to a number of his colleagues about this as well. While he wouldn’t share his discussions with colleagues, he did say other Republican senators share his view.

Watch more above.