South Dakota’s Anti-Drug Ad Sparks Debate With It’s “Meth. We’re On It” Slogan

This isn’t exactly a glowing advertisement for South Dakota. The state has spent almost $500,000 to let people know it has a big meth problem. The ad isn’t taking a graphic approach like a lot of anti-cigarette ads have taken, instead, it features beauty shots of people talking about meth. In one scene a child is even shown declaring, “I’m on it.” Ad Week writes:

State officials had hoped the “Meth. We’re on it” campaign would convey the state’s increased focus on combatting meth abuse, which had accounted for 83% of court admissions for controlled substance cases in 2019.

“The campaign is inclusive and empowering and establishes a movement for all South Dakotans to take an active role in keeping our state a great place to live,” said Laurie Gill, South Dakota secretary of the Department of Social Services, in a statement about the campaign. “We’re encouraging everyone to work together to eliminate meth.”

Many people say the campaign actually seems to promote and, even glamorize, the drug.

And some people felt the need to point out, there are people in South Dakota who aren’t on meth.

Despite all the criticism, South Dakota’s governor is standing by the ad.

Buzzfeed writes:

Noem added that in the coming weeks, the campaign would be reaching across South Dakota with information on signs of addiction, resources, and strategies for communities to support people in recovery.

“It’s critical that fighting meth and extending hope to users becomes part of any daily conversation,” she said. “This isn’t just someone else’s problem. It’s our problem. And we need to do something about it — as communities, neighbors, church groups, schools, volunteer groups and more.”


Watch the ad above.