Stephen Colbert: “Donald Trump Isn’t Committing A Crime, Donald Trump Is A Crime”

The Late Show’s Stephen Colbert gives his take on the upcoming release of the Mueller report:

We knew about his flagrant attempts to stop investigations into what Russia did to our election. But, as “The Times” put it, “Americans have lost track of how unusual his behavior is.” Please don’t do that. Please don’t lose track. I just want to remind you that that mildly nauseous feeling you have is because, for the last two years, Donald Trump has been spinning you in a tumble dryer full of turd. It’s all lies. All of it! All of it! I mean, just think– in the president attacking his Justice Department, trusting Putin over his own intelligence community, calling the FBI a bunch of corrupt, deep-state coup plotters is not normal. It is strange. It is like how Jack in the Box sells tacos for some reason. it may not be illegal, but it certainly violates something sacred.

Watch more of his monologue above.