Stephen Colbert Gets Emotional As He Says Donald Trump Is Trying To “Kill Democracy”

Stephen Colbert says he threw out his original monologue last night after “Donald Trump walked into the White House briefing room and tried to poison American democracy.” The Late Show host said the president is “a fascist” and “when it comes to Democracy and fascism, I’m sorry there are not fine people on both sides. So you need to choose, Donald Trump or the American people. This is the time to get off the Trump train. Because he just told you where the train is going and it’s not a passenger train, he’ll load you on it someday too:”

“Republicans have to speak up, all of them. Because for evil to succeed all that is necessary is for good men to do nothing. So say something now Republicans, not later…right now, it’s in your best interest.”

Colbert skewered Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for staying silent on this, saying “Mitch we heard you loud and clear, you are okay with this.”

Watch Colbert’s full monologue above.