Texas Governor Greg Abbott is putting on quite a political show at the Southern border.

Abbott sent a caravan of vehicles from the Texas Department of Public Safety to Del Rio to. The purpose was to create a barrier to block Haitian refugees from crossing the border and entering the United States. According to the Fox affiliate in Austin, Abbott made trips to the border on consecutive days to draw attention to himself.

Abbott is an avid supporter of hardline immigration policies and has even talked repeatedly of building a border wall between Texas and Mexico, using crowdfunding to help pay for it. He went on Fox News to blame the White House for the growing problem in Del Rio, where as many as 15,000 migrants, most of them Haitians,  have made it to the border in recent days. The Biden Administration has already begun deportation flights back to Haiti, a move that has only led to more criticisms, because the migrants aren’t being given a chance to apply for asylum.


“If Biden stepped up and followed that court order, we would not see the chaos that we’re seeing in Del Rio today,” Abbott said on television. Critics like The Lincoln Project point out that Abbott has chosen to try and grab national attention by focusing on the border, as well as Texas’ controversial new voting and abortion laws, instead of taking aggressive action to curb the state’s COVID crisis.