The Humorous Side Of Gordon Sondland’s Public Testimony

The late-night comics had a lot of material to work with after Gordon Sondland’s testimony Wednesday. Stephen Colbert took note of when Sondland said, “That’s how President Trump and I communicate– a lot of four-letter words,” remarking: “They really used four-letter words and three-letter words? Quid. Pro. Quo.” Watch above.

As for all the people Sondland implicated, Seth Meyers joked:

“Sondland name-checked virtually all of Trump’s senior aides, Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, and Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Even the White House janitor was like, “am I going to go to jail? In short, today we learned yet again that the entire Trump White House is basically one giant criminal conspiracy. This was like the “Wizard of Oz” of impeachment testimony, you were there and you were there and you were there too.”

And Jimmy Kimmel pointed out how Rep. Devin Nunes reacted to Sondland’s testimony. 

“I think Devin Nunes may have studied history at Trump University. He‘s an imbecile. Watch his face when they break for recess after Sondland blew the whole place up.  That’s the same face Trump made the day Don Jr. was born. It’s a sad face. It’s a very sad face.”