The United Kingdom Approves Pfizer Vaccine For COVID-19

The United Kingdom announced approval today for a COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer. The government says this decision came “following a thorough review carried out by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).” MHRA Chief Executive, Dr. June Raine said:

“We have carried out a rigorous scientific assessment of all the available evidence of quality, safety and effectiveness. The public’s safety has always been at the forefront of our minds – safety is our watchword… We are globally recognised for requiring high standards of safety, quality and effectiveness for any vaccine. Our expert scientists and clinicians worked tirelessly, around the clock, carefully, scientifically, robustly and rigorously poring over hundreds of pages and tables of data, methodically reviewing the data.”

This makes the UK the first Western country to approve a vaccine. It’s believed the U.S. may follow suit as early as next week.

The BBC reports that “800,000 doses will be available next week, but the ‘bulk’ of the vaccines will be available in the New Year.”

Watch more above from CNBC.