Trevor Noah On Donald Trump: “He’s Basically Threatening A Coup”

The news cycle moves fast, but it’s hard to move on when a president says he won’t commit to a peaceful transition of power. The late-night hosts all tackled this topic last night with The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah saying, “He’s basically threatening a coup… This is something you hear about in some random country where America steps in to enforce democracy.” Watch more of what Noah said above.

Meanwhile, Seth Meyers called this “one of the most chilling moments of his presidency.” He continued by saying “our democracy is in a death spiral.”

“Democrats should be holding highly publicized hearings about this. They should be slowing down Senate business, doing everything possible to force Republicans to commit to honor the results of the election because Trump clearly will not.”

Jimmy Kimmel added:

“With each passing day – it seems more and more likely that we are on the brink of something very bad. Our President made another history making statement last night – when asked if he would leave the White House gracefully, if he doesn’t win. Well, so much for that Nobel Peace Prize… If he doesn’t win he wants to burn this country down.”