As Trump Continues To Lie, Former Competitors Weigh In

Today Donald Trump continues to lie and blame Democrats for the separation of children at the US/Mexico border (watch above), but a few of his former Presidential challengers (on both sides of the aisle) are making it clear the President needs to stop the lying and change his policy.

Senator Marco Rubio is the son of Cuban immigrants, but his statement is more watered down compared to Bush and Kasich. His office told News & Guts:

“The senator believes the ideal scenario is that families be kept together and returned expeditiously back to their country of origin. We sympathize with the people that are coming here. America is the most generous country in the world and ideally, you wouldn’t put people through additional trauma once they came into the United States.”

We reached out to Senator Ted Cruz, but have yet to receive a reply. Last week he seemed to defend Trump’s policy.