Trump Talks Military And Economy At Easter Egg Roll

If you needed evidence that these are not normal times, look no further than the annual White House Easter egg roll.  It is, or was, the most non-political event in Washington, until today.  Donald Trump used the occasion to give a two-minute speech where he a) seemed to forget the name of the White House saying “there really is no name for it” and “we call it sometimes tippy top shape,” b) talked about the military and the economy, and c) said once again that DACA is dead…all of which must have gone over big with the 6-year-olds.

In contrast here’s what Barack Obama said during his last Easter Egg roll:

“How’s everybody doing today? (Applause.) Happy Easter! You guys brought the sun out, so we appreciate that so much. This is always one of our favorite events of the year. It’s so much fun. And I don’t want to talk too long, but I do want to make sure that everybody thanks our outstanding Marine band, who does such a great job. (Applause.) I want to thank all the volunteers who have helped to make this day possible. Give them a huge round of applause. (Applause.) And I want to thank the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama! (Applause.)”

Michelle then said:

“…if we think about what we’ve accomplished over these past seven years, it’s pretty incredible. Because when Barack and I first got here, one of the goals that we had was to open up the White House to as many people from as many backgrounds as possible. So open it up to our kids, to our musicians, to explore our culture, to expose families to healthy living, and to just have a lot of fun.”

Watch Trump’s speech above.