White House Tries to Change The Narrative

On the same day four women re-tell stories accusing Donald Trump of sexual misconduct, the White House suddenly tries to change the agenda.  First it was Trump himself on Twitter who blasted the New York Times over a profile story yesterday that said the President watched 4-8 hours of television a day.  “Wrong!” he tweeted.  He also called out a CNN anchor saying “I never watch Don Lemon, who I once called the “dumbest man on television!”

CNN responded with a statement that said “In a world where bullies torment kids on social media to devastating effect on a regular basis with insults and name-calling, it is sad to see our president engaging in the very same behavior himself.  Leaders should lead by example.”

But wait, there’s more.  At the White House briefing it got ugly.  Spokesperson Sarah Sanders said the press is purposely misleading the American people.  See the clip above.