

Martin Rather had an idea.  With Trump dominating the news, what about all the other stories out there, the important ones that no one hears about?  So, he and a group of like-minded young people decided to engage and try to make a difference.  It’s a newscast called “The Underreported.”  Every week, we’ll have their take on the news, without Donald Trump.  As they describe it:  A news program without Trump, panels or ads.

This week’s episode of “The Underreported” focuses on:
– The electoral implications of fake news
– Scientific developments in mental health
– Derogatory comments towards women from a world leader in South Asia
…plus more, all reported on and produced by a team of college students from around the country. Only on News and Guts.

We look forward to growing with them as they try to explain an ever more complicated world.