
Watch: President Biden Meets with Pope Francis

President Joe Biden, a practicing Catholic, met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Friday (watch above).

“There was laughter and clear rapport between President Biden and the Pope,” a White House official told CNN.

The Washington Post reports:

In the conversation, according to the White House, Biden thanked the pope for “his advocacy for the world’s poor and those suffering from hunger, conflict, and persecution.” The two also discussed the climate crisis, and Biden “lauded” the pope for “his advocacy to ensure the pandemic ends for everyone through vaccine sharing and an equitable global economic recovery.”

The Associated Press adds:

Biden’s private meeting with the pope lasted about 75 minutes, according to the Vatican, an unusually long time for an audience with the pontiff. The pair then proceeded to a broader meeting with the first lady and top officials joining. The lengthy session put Biden behind schedule for his meetings later Friday.

According to the Vatican, Biden presented Francis a woven chasuble, or liturgical vestment, made in 1930 by the famed papal tailor Gamarelli and used by the pope’s Jesuit order in the U.S., where it was held in the archives of Holy Trinity Church, Biden’s regular parish in Washington.

Biden also gave Francis a coin that bore the insignia of the 261st Signal Brigade, the Delaware National Guard unit in which his late son Beau served as a captain.

Biden explained that the coin is only given to “warriors and leaders,” and called Francis “the most significant warrior for peace I’ve ever met.”

More from The AP:

Francis gave Biden a ceramic tile depicting the iconography of the pilgrim, as well as a collection of the pope’s main teaching documents, the Vatican said.

Biden takes pride in his Catholic faith, using it as moral guidepost to shape many of his social and economic policies. Biden wears a rosary and frequently attends Mass, yet his support for abortion rights and same-sex marriage has put him at odds with many U.S. bishops, some of whom have suggested he should be denied Communion.