Pick your adjective; furious, livid, enraged.  Donald Trump is all of the above this morning over the Bob Woodward book.  One problem.  Many of the interviews with officials quoted in the book are on tape.  From Axios’ Mike Allen:

“President Trump is livid at the betrayal and stunning allegations in Bob Woodward’s forthcoming “Fear,” but limited in his ability to fight back because most of the interviews were caught on hundreds of hours of tape, officials tell Jonathan Swan and me.

“After the Washington Post posted excerpts yesterday, administration officials did little to deny specific revelations in the book, and instead spent the day speculating about Woodward’s likely sources.

“One reason that few passages are being disputed: Woodward based the book on hundreds of hours of tapes of his interviews with current and former West Wing aides and other top administration officials.”

And which makes tweet like this problematic for the President.