Last night’s elections were a big, big deal. I am reminded once again about the great pendulum of history which seems to ever swing between the fortunes of political ideology, but which, over time increasingly has pointed to the side of justice. It did so again, as a divisive approach to politics, especially centered on exacerbating our racial divisions, was rejected by a majority of voters in Virginia. And it wasn’t really even all that close.

Already in conversations I have had, and seeing the comments on Facebook and elsewhere, I sense a stirring of optimism, that great driver of dreams. This is not about party politics or even ideology. It is the sense that there are limits to the power of that toxic brand of cynicism preached by some in our leadership, and that the vote, the great voice by which the majority can speak, provides another guardrail to our democracy, like an independent judiciary and a free press.

As many of you who have followed my Facebook page know, I have believed and do so again this morning, that there will not only be the continuation of our republic, but that it will thrive. As many of you also know, they are the core themes of my new book WHAT UNITES US. So to all you here on the website and on Facebook, I beg your patience and indulgence. Over the next few weeks I will be on a book tour, leading up to the Christmas holidays. I will continue to speak out on the news of the day, but many posts will put those thoughts into the context of the book.

I have not forgotten our core mission, but I really do feel strongly about this book and the conversation I hope it sparks in our national family. I really want you to read it and hear your thoughts. This is about as close to an all out, “Please buy the book” as you will see on this page, but these are very important times for the trajectory of the book. Its sales rank on Amazon, whether your local independent bookstore sees there is demand over this book, where it’s placed in the display at the airport bookstore, all this will help dictate its ultimate reach.

This is not about personal financial gain. I have pledged to put much of the proceeds back into the kind of journalistic projects I feel are important. And I will have some exciting news on that front in the days ahead. So if you are inclined to buy the book, please do so now. If you intend to read it at your local library, please inquire if they have it ordered. If you want to share this message or the book with your friends and family, all of this helps.

Again, I beg your indulgence. But if you have been a fan of what I and my team has been writing on social media, I really think you will find WHAT UNITES US inspiring, poignant, and surprising. And just so we don’t inundate you too much about the book here, I have created another Facebook page called What Unites Us. Consider this a forum for a discussion about democracy. We are planning all sorts of fun ideas. So go check it out and like it if you are so inclined.

Once again, I couldn’t do this without all of you. I am humbled and grateful. And I leave you with two words that serve as chapter titles in the book. STEADY and COURAGE.