Today further signs that the White House doesn’t believe in the right to a free press. CNN’s Kaitlan Collins was reportedly banned after she asked the President some questions that almost any reporter would have asked today.

This was apparently a decision by White House press secretary Sarah Sanders along with the newest member of the President’s communications staff, Bill Shine. CNN reports:

“They said ‘You are dis-invited from the press availability in the Rose Garden today,'” Collins said in an interview. “They said that the questions I asked were inappropriate for that venue. And they said I was shouting.”

A video clip of the exchange shows that Collins was speaking the same way journalists in the press pool usually speak.

Collins said she reacted by saying, “You’re banning me from an event because you didn’t like the questions I asked.”

Others networks, reporters and news organizations are defending Collins. That even includes Fox News.

No word on whether she is welcome back in the future. It’s clear though the press needs to stand together one this or else the White House will chip away at one of the great institutions of democracy.