Dan’s Thoughts On The Buzzfeed Report

The chatter to impeach Donald Trump is louder than ever today. The Atlantic writes:
The comments mark a noticeable shift in what had been the standard party line on the possibility of impeachment—that Democrats should wait to act until after Mueller issues his final report. But Attorney General nominee Bill Barr’s refusal to commit to providing Mueller’s findings to Congress and to the public, combined with BuzzFeed’s implication that the president committed a felony while in office, has given Democrats a new sense of urgency—and they won’t necessarily wait to hold Trump accountable, I’m told, if they conclude that he knowingly obstructed justice to hide his involvement in business negotiations with the Kremlin during the election.
Here’s what Dan Rather says:
Buzzfeed’s new story moves the President’s troubles—and ours—to yet another level, that is if what’s reported is true. Patience and time to let facts come out are more important than ever now.  We must remind ourselves that while we know some things already, based on evidence, Mueller knows so much more. So that key byword “steady” needs to be the guide as we thread our way through what is now a national time of testing which has now gotten more intense—and is likely to get even more so.
One of the most, perhaps THE most, important question is: Can “We The People” hold ourselves together through a constitutional crisis more difficult than Watergate since with this one a foreign power is involved.