Kentucky just elected a Democrat as its next Governor. The state’s Attorney General, Andy Beshear, beat the incumbent Republican Governor Matt Bevin. Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes called the race late Tuesday, telling CNN Beshear is now the Kentucky Governor-elect.

Vox writes:

It’s a major loss for Republicans in a state where they hold supermajorities in both chambers of the state legislature, both US Senate seats, and five out of the state’s six House seats. Bevin pulled out all the stops to clinch a win; President Donald Trump rallied in Lexington, Kentucky, Monday night ahead of the election to turn out voters. But even that last-ditch effort wasn’t enough — a sign that Trump’s influence isn’t omnipotent.

Trump carried Kentucky by 30 points. He also considers Kentucky Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul among his biggest allies.

Note that while Beshear is declaring victory, Bevin isn’t conceding yet.

Another important victory for Democrats came in Virginia Tuesday night as Democrats took the majority in the State Senate and House.

CBS News points out Virginia Democrats will “control all three branches of government for the first time in 25 years. A trifecta would allow Democrats to determine where redistricting lines are drawn following the 2020 census.”

And here’s another interesting win in Indiana.