A little bit of the swamp was drained today. Scott Pruitt is the latest member of Trump’s team to be walked out the door at the White House. Trump made the announcement on Twitter.

While not an official member of the Cabinet, the EPA administrator is customarily considered part of the inner circle. Pruitt was one of a handful of original Trump nominees still on the job.

Pruitt’s departure follows other high profile exits including, VA secretary David Shulkin, National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (to name a few).

Pruitt was under fire after several ethical concerns including:

While Pruitt is finally gone, let’s not forget the damage he has already done to the EPA and the environment. In a Time magazine story earlier this year Christine Todd Whitman, the EPA administrator under George W. Bush said:

“…under the administration of Scott Pruitt, the agency is experiencing a new wave of policymaking—or rather, policy dismantling. (He has already dismantled the Clean Power Plan, which would have regulated carbon dioxide emissions in the power sector, and is now targeting vehicle-emissions standards.) If his actions continue in the same direction, during Pruitt’s term at the EPA the environment will be threatened instead of protected, and human health endangered instead of preserved, all with no long-term benefit to the economy.”
