The U.S. Senate confirmed the first ever openly LGBTQ female federal appellate judge on Monday, elevating  Vermont State Supreme Court Justice Beth Robinson to a spot on the Second Circuit court.

Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine joined the entire Democratic caucus in supporting Robinson, who was nominated for the position by President Joe Biden in August.

The final vote was 51-45.

“As an advocate, Beth Robinson has been rightfully hailed as a tireless champion for equal rights and equal justice. But more importantly, her record as a Vermont Supreme Court Justice clearly demonstrates her fairness, impartiality, and loyalty to rule of law, above all else,” tweeted Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy.

Robinson’s confirmation “flips” the powerful Second Circuit back to judges appointed by Democratic presidents. Bloomberg Law explains:

The Second Circuit—which encompasses New York, Connecticut and Vermont—is a chief venue for cases involving corporations and Wall Street. While the party of appointing presidents isn’t an exact measure of a judge’s judicial philosophy, it’s often used as an indication of how a circuit court leans.

Before she was a judge, Robinson was co-counsel in Baker v. State, the historic case that led to Vermont becoming the first state to allow civil unions.

As chair of Vermont Freedom to Marry, she played an integral role in legalizing same-sex marriage in Vermont in 2009.

CNN adds:

Robinson, a graduate of University of Chicago Law School, practiced family law, personal injury, employment law and workers’ compensation, as well as worked pro bono on issues geared toward advancing LGBTQ+ rights in Vermont, according to the White House.

Lambda Legal, an LGBTQ legal advocacy group, applauded Robinson’s confirmation Monday.

“Judge Robinson’s extraordinary professional expertise makes her well qualified for this important position and her confirmation as the first openly lesbian judge to a federal appeals court seat is cause for celebration for our community,” Sharon McGowan, chief strategy officer for Lambda Legal, said in a statement.

Reuters notes:

The Senate now has confirmed 28 of Biden’s 51 nominees for federal district and appellate courts. Four other Biden appeals court nominees, each picked for the San Francisco-based 9th Circuit, await confirmation votes in the Senate.