Idaho is asking conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell to put his money where his mouth is.

Lindell alleged that widespread voter fraud in Idaho compromised the results of the 2020 presidential election. Idaho’s deputy secretary of state, Chad Houck, said officials had to audit three counties to disprove Lindell’s baseless claims.

Now Houck plans to send Lindell a bill for $6,500.

“Why not try and get Lindell to reimburse the state for having to refute his false claim?” Houck told The Idaho Statesman. He added in a statement:

While our team is always looking for possible vulnerabilities, this allegation was patently without merit from the first look. It takes hard work to build confidence in a state’s elections system, and careless accusations like this can cause tremendous harm. Doing nothing and saying nothing would have been like conceding its truth.

Lindell’s no stranger to misinformation, but his claim about Idaho is a head-scratcher; Donald Trump, who Lindell reveres, won the state easily.

Houck said the audit of three Idaho counties revealed a mere 0.1% margin of error.