At the confirmation hearing for Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, another Amy got to speak first, and she had a lot to say. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) said the confirmation hearing was a sham. She urged all Americans to call their Senators and voice their opposition to the swift confirmation. But notably it was this comment that caught our ear:

This isn’t Donald Trump’s country. It is yours. This shouldn’t be Donald Trump’s judge. It should be yours.

Business Insider writes: “Like all her fellow Democrats on the committee, Klobuchar argued that Barrett’s stated opposition to the Supreme Court’s 2012 ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act puts tens of millions of Americans at risk of losing their health insurance and other protections. The senator told the story of a constituent with diabetes who’d lose protections for her preexisting condition if Obamacare were overturned — a case the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear shortly after the election.

Here is all of Klobuchar’s opening statement. It’s eleven minutes and worth your time: