With Michael Cohen out of the picture it seems like Rudy Guiliani is now Donald Trump’s fixer, but whether he is actually fixing things for Trump or making them worse is up for debate. Dan Rather says:

“I’ve seen lots of plays, read novels, watched a lot of dramas and comedies, but I’ve never seen a role quite like the one Rudy Giuliani is playing. It’s part farce, part sinister, part absurdist, part apocalyptic and all with the effect of a muppet. Any ideas for comparison?”

Salon says this about Giuliani’s recent media appearances:

“These affairs have been bizarre occurrences in which Giuliani gesticulates wildly and bulges his eyes while he rambles incoherently. Each appearance has been more puzzling than the last.”

The latest statements came this afternoon as Giuliani tried to change a narrative that the White House has long maintained, that Trump’s tweets are “official statements.”

This came as Giuliani tried to walk back the President’s tweet saying “Jeff Sessions should stop” the Mueller investigation.

The Washington Post ponders what Giuliani is really accomplishing by talking so much lately, especially when what he says often doesn’t make sense or counters facts:

“In short, Giuliani is a font of lies, misstatements and calamitous omissions. What’s not clear is whether, aside from making himself look exceptionally inept, what he says matters. If it doesn’t matter and isn’t true, then why is he constantly on TV?”