Stacey Abrams has received a lot of credit for helping Joe Biden win the state of Georgia. While it hasn’t officially been called, Biden currently holds a lead of almost 11,000 votes in the state. Abrams, author of the book “Our Time Is Now” showed that perhaps it was time for Georgia to turn blue. Politico writes:

Abrams’ strategy of expanding an existing coalition has not only proven successful in Georgia, but potentially offered a blueprint for how Democrats can win elections in other red states drifting left. It’s a defining story line of the 2020 election and, in all likelihood, many cycles to come.

Today former Georgia Gubernatorial candidate said this didn’t happen overnight:

“We’ve been working at this for more than a decade.”

And Abrams believes the efforts of her and other Democrats in the state can help the party win the two Senate seats that will be decided in a January 5th runoff.

Bloomberg quoted Nikema Williams, the chair of the Democratic Party of Georgia and the U.S. Representative-elect for the state’s 5th district seat that was left vacant by the death of John Lewis:

“Stacey absolutely deserves her accolades. Stacey was out there talking to people all across the state. She gave us the hope to believe that we have power in our voices.”