This has been building for months. There is no doubt that Donald Trump and his Chief of Staff John Kelly have had a rocky road. And there has been talk that Kelly’s days were numbered, but now it looks like the end of his tenure may be imminent. Axios reports:

West Wing officials widely believe that chief of staff John Kelly’s departure is imminent and that Nick Ayers, chief of staff to Vice President Pence, will replace him.

CNN adds:

Seventeen months in, Kelly and President Donald Trump have reached a stalemate in their relationship and it is no longer seen as tenable by either party. Though Trump asked Kelly over the summer to stay on as chief of staff for two more years, the two have stopped speaking in recent days.

There have been reports over the last couple of months that John Kelly has had shouting matches with national security adviser John Bolton and Trump’s former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski. And despite his relationship with the president clearly having been on thin ice for months, Trump made public statements indicating that Kelly would stay on until 2020.