Parkland Survivor Continues Mission To Fight For Children, Targets Fox News Host

Often when a tragedy occurs, people affected say the event will change them.  But a month later they move on. Parkland survivor David Hogg isn’t one of those people. He’s made it his mission to advocate for children, whether it’s stopping gun violence or, his latest cause,  for immigrant children separated from their parents. Today he’s again calling out Fox host Laura Ingraham for one of the ridiculous statements she made on air.

You may recall back in March, Ingraham criticized Hogg’s college search. He struck back by asking her advertisers to pull their ads. Many did. Now he is back it, sparked by Ingraham’s characterization of the detention camps where immigrant children are being held as “summer camps.”

After hearing that Hogg quickly organized a list of her advertisers and called them out on Twitter.

Meanwhile, Hogg and his sister continue their crusade with a book being released today aptly titled, “#Never Again.” The book is described as “a manifesto for the movement begun that day, one that has already changed America–with voices of a new generation that are speaking truth to power, and are determined to succeed where their elders have failed.”

See what Hogg and his sister told “Good Morning America” today about the book and more above.