TBS host Samatha Bee apologized Thursday for calling Ivanka Trump the c-word on her show “Full Frontal” Wednesday night (watch CNN’s report on it above).

In a segment about immigrant children being separated from their parents, Bee said:

“You know, Ivanka, that’s a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me just say, one mother to another: Do something about your dad’s immigration practices, you feckless c–t.”

According to this TBS statement, it seems Bee gets to keep her job, at least for now.

The Wrap reports that Sarah Sanders issued a statement saying:

“The language used by Samantha Bee last night is vile and vicious. The collective silence by the left and its media allies is appalling.”

“Her disgusting comments and show are not fit for broadcast, and executives at Time Warner and TBS must demonstrate that such explicit profanity about female members of this administration will not be condoned on its network.”

Many believe Bee’s apology is too little, too late.

Bee does have her defenders too.