Senator Lindsey Graham says he was “shocked” when he found out that Donald Trump was “going to withdraw immediately from Syria.” Today, the usual Trump ally, spoke out against the president’s decision on CNN saying, this is a gift to Russia and Iran, and that’s not a good thing.” Now it certainly looks like the two golf buddies are at odds.

He also said:

“The worst is definitely yet to come. I talked to the Secretary Mattis yesterday. The traffic, the chatter out there, is pretty devastating. When the president suggests that Assad and Iran and Russia are not happy, they are very happy. The biggest winner of this could be the Iranians to have a corridor now from Tehran all the way to Lebanon. They could use the space we occupy to get more weapons to Hezbollah. It’s certainly putting the Kurds at risk. We see a lot of chatter… All I would ask him to do is reconvene his national security team, listen to what’s going on. And postpone this decision and make sure it’s based on conditions on the ground when you withdraw.”

Now Trump is responding to Graham’s criticism.

Watch what else Graham say above.