Americans have long known that empathy sometimes mixed with a little humor can be cathartic, especially if it comes from late night comedians. Oftentimes they find a way to put their finger on the pulse of the nation better than most. Here’s part of what CBS’s Stephen Colbert said:

“Naturally, in times like these, our nation looks to its president for comfort and guidance. That’s our first mistake. Immediately after the shooting, Trump told reporters how the attack in Pittsburgh could have been prevented. Spoiler alert, it’s more guns.”

Watch Colbert’s full monologue above.

ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel also talked about Donald Trump’s reaction the bombs sent through the mail. He particularly took note with Trump lashing out at the media saying:

“If you stop saying mean things about me I’ll stop inciting angry lunatics to kill you. He lashed out via twitter blaming the media for the recent violence. like when a bully punches you with your own fist and says stop hitting yourself. He wrote the fake enemy of the people, literally days after the media got sent pipe bombs, he calls the media the enemy of the people. He can’t help himself, he has to double down. No wonder he bankrupted all the casinos. he doesn’t know how to gamble. “

NBC’s Seth Meyers also weighed in remarking:

“Despite the man allegedly responsible for the bombs mailed to Democrats last week being a vocal trump supporter, President Trump claimed this weekend that his rhetoric is not to blame for the attempted attacks. Which is kind of like saying the first domino isn’t responsible for the last domino falling over.”