Mick Mulvaney will soon be Donald Trump’s acting Chief of Staff, but it seems the new job will be starting on a rocky road. Donald Trump is reportedly just learning some questionable things the current director of the Office of Management and Budget said about him. The latest criticism that has come back to haunt Mulvaney is courtesy of CNN journalists who uncovered a 2015 interview he did with a South Carolina radio station. During the interview Mulvaney said:

“The fence doesn’t solve the problem. Is it necessary to have one, sure? Would it help? Sure. But to just say build the darn fence and have that be the end of an immigration discussion is absurd and almost childish for someone running for president to take that simplistic of view and by the way the fence doesn’t stop anyone who really wants to get across.” 

This comes just days after The Daily Beast uncovered another video where Mulvaney in 2016, while running for Congress, said, “I am supporting Donald Trump, but I’m doing so despite the fact that I think he’s a terrible human being.”

Axios reports:

Trump was furious when a two-year-old video of Mulvaney calling him “a terrible human being” was resurfaced by The Daily Beast, right after Trump named him chief of staff. These latest comments are sure to add to Trump’s frustrations, especially at a moment when funding for his border wall is at the center of a debate over a potential government shutdown.

Listen to Mulvaney’s past comments above.