The visits were supposed to be about the victims. When Donald Trump traveled to Dayton and El Paso yesterday, the White House said no photo opps. The press was kept away.

That was yesterday. Today, the White House has released videos of the visit, complete with a music score, smiling faces and lots of Trump. From the Washington Post:

Curious about how much of the video featured Trump, we walked through it, frame-by-frame. The video was about 50 seconds long in total. Trump is visible for about 37 seconds of that, or nearly three-quarters of the entire video. That includes only shots in which Trump’s head is visible — meaning that it doesn’t include several shots of him shaking hands.

There are three other campaign videos from the day. They are ads for Donald Trump. If you’re interested, you can find them. We chose not to post them. Trump has turned tragedy into politics and made devastating attacks on two cities all about his popularity.

Here’s another irony as Trump tries to paint positive coverage for himself.

The post contains analysis and opinion.